its been a slow start with groups around the ranch, an dthings being quiet yet somehow just as busy as ever. the ranch looks amazing all covered in snow. we had a brief thaw for a few days but after 1 day of snow- winter wonderland had returned however so did the freezing temperatures- an dthey came back worse than ever! its been sitting around -12 to -17 most days and let me tell you that cold bites right through you! but it really is beautiful! the snow flakes are getting bigger and nothing makes you feel more like a child than looking out the window to your very own real life snowglobe! and running into said sno globe to catch snowflakes on your tongue!!
ive also been snowboarding a few more times and im getting better!! im now off the baby baby hill and onto the graduate hill. i can make turns and i only fall baout 2 times down that hill now- pretty big improvement really! i took i huge fall last sundya night though on the run, got a whiteout cos they were making snow, and couldnt see a thing, got a bit of air, lost it and landed square on the shoulder and tumbled a few times. it hurt! and still does but i love it more and more each time i go boarding!
the biggest news of the week is that i now have plans for the rest of the year! im heading home in march, planning on working lots and then in june ill be heading back to canada! ive been offered the postion of program director for the coming summer at the ranch and im pretty excited about it! id felt for a while that God was calling me back to canada to do this job, and was just waiting pretty much for confirmation of that- and surely enough it came, not without a stressful wait- but all in Gods timing right! so ill be away for about 4 months from june till the end of october likely. im planning on heading over to the UK for abit over a month after ranch to see friends there while im on the rigth side of the globe! so its pretty exciting- got lots of planning to do but im excited for it! however, dont get me wrong im really really excited to get home and see everyone- i really do miss Australia and everyone there! but i figure these are the days of our lives to do these kind of things. when you arent firmly rooted to a place and can enjoy the wonderful oppourrtunities that God is giving me in these foreign places! the world really is amazing and theres just so much to see i may as well do it while i can!
the excitement for today is the birth of TROY- the valient kitchen warrior! Troy came about when a mug was dropped in the kitchen and somehow broke perfectly into a helmet for an orange! and hence iwth a little imagination, a littel sleep deprivation and a little too much time in the kitchen Troy was born and his adventures began!
and then some sad times.....hearing about the death of heath ledger really hit me yesterday. its just so sad- someone in teh prime of they're life and career with seemingly everything going for them. a death clouded in suspician with no one really knowing what happened and in reality no one ever being able to really know exactly what happened or was going on in his head yesterday brings up memories....
ok thats about it for now i think.....
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