so i figured i should show you where im living goes. my apartment is smallish, id call it one and a half walk in the front door, and on the left is the kitchen which opens into the main living room,
which is a reasonable size, with our tv n couches and our new fish!! (yes i bought fish...theres 3- i own hunter and ezekial, yvonne had noah but he died so we replaced him with reuben today! so cute!)....we have a small bathroom with bath which is nice on occasion, then past the bathroom and into the main bedroom which houses me, yvonne from scotland and sarah. yvonne has top bunk, sarah has bottom and i get the single bed. score huh! ashley has a tiny room to her self (the half room)....we all share a closet which is actually a good size. and thats pretty much the whole thing really! so its nothing huge. we just got a door put in between the bedroooms an dthe main room which is sweet seeing as im always the last one up, i dont have to be quite so quiet anymore!
outside is starting to cool down a bit, and the colourful leaves are changing quickly and then falling off of just falling off with little change to colour. apparently its been a weak fall, with little colour compared to normal, but for us foreigners who've never seen a real fall its pretty spectactualar anyway. im learning if i wanna take a photo of a nicely changed tree to do it that day because by the next day most of the leaves will have fallen off with the wind.
i spent one aftrenoon this week putting som eart up on the walls of the paartment. yvonne and i have been meaning to do so for a while now because we hated the stuff thatw as up. so i found some matt boards and got some photos printed, and put them up. looks sweet. i have some of different flowers ive taken, one of andrew and lucy from the photo shoot i did when she was 8 days old, and some of sydney. its good, make sit feel more homely which is nice. and ive become a clean person! crazy huh!! because we live in such a small space and there are always people in and out so i like it too be clean. so heidi and i have decided that contrary to popular belief, we are not anal, we are just particular!
last night, some of the ladies decided to doll ourselves in black dresses and heals and head to our favourite resturant one99!!! was such a good night, i had duck and it was amazing!!! it was such a great and a sweet change from eating food we've cooked all day, and served and cleaned up after! fine dining is amazing! we did however leave there and head to walmart, followed by maccas for mcflurry's followed by blockbuster for a movie and then to boston pizza to get cheesecake for one of the girls and mints!!! they have the best mints ever!!!! yvonne and i pretty much live on them and kelseys mints....sad huh!!!!
anywaysy- hope that brings you up to speed a little!!! hope your all well and ill write soon.....
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