Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 1...

saturday.....hit the hill outside the apartment about 3pm. we'd had a great freash snowfall so the snow was imense....was doing well but facing problems getting stuck half way down the hill in teh snow as its so thick and its good packing snow so the board gets stuck and wont go any further once there is about a foot or so of snow atop my board!

i attempted the jump set up by the stevens boys. id done it a few days earlier, however as so mcuh fresh snow had packed up on it i got stuck halfway up and did afront flip over it...less than comfortable!

i then moved on to the hill outside the kitchen, and the hill next to the hotel- all were good hoever after goiing down the hill by the hotel i headed out onto the road nicely....until i slipped and felll ncie and hard on the solid road....painful

and so after an hour and a half of boarding i headed 1 complete.

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